MERGE is a community of adults, meeting in the middle of life for fellowship, fun, and furthering our walk with Jesus. So, if you don’t feel like a young adult or a senior adult, then Merge is for you! If you are an adult in the middle of life, whether you're 25 or 65, you're welcome to be a part of this ministry to those meeting in the middle.

Sunday | 9:00am | Room 109
Wednesday | 6:30pm | Room 109

Contact Pastor Kaylha for more info.
MOMENTUM represents our community of adults ages 55 to 70 (ish). Several Sunday school classes are available to this age group, and we are actively working on planning group outings and fellowship events. Let's build Momentum together!

Sunday | 9:00am | Son Seekers (Room 111)
Sunday | 9:00am | Faith Builders (108)

Contact Pastor Ruthie for more info.
MILESTONE is our senior adult ministry. This community of mature adults gathers together for discipleship and fun outings. Milestone also hosts a weekly "Heritage" worship service where we share praises and prayer requests, join together our voices in hymns, and hear the Word of God preached by one of our pastoral staff members.

Sunday | 9:00am | Faith Fellowship (Room 107)
Thursday | 11:00am | Heritage Service (Sanctuary)

Contact Pastor Ruthie for more info.