Baptism & Membership
If you are interested in being baptized on Easter or joining the church as a member, please contact Pastor Jason or the church office. A 2-week membership class will be offered on Wednesday March 19 & 26 at 6:30pm, and Sunday March 16 & 23 at 9am in the conference room.
Easter Worship Choir
The Easter Sunday choir will sing during the service on Sunday April 20th. Choir practices will take place on April 2nd, 9th, and 16th at 6:30pm in the sanctuary. Click HERE to sign up!
Ash Wednesday Service
As we enter the season of Lent, join us for our Ash Wednesday service for a time of reflection.
March 5 | 6:30pm | Sanctuary 
Men's Ministry Bowling Night
Men are invited out for a fun night of bowling! The cost is $15 per person, and payment is required to reserve your spot. Click HERE to sign up!
March 7 | 6:30pm | Cave Springs Lanes
Potluck & Dessert Auction
Our teens are hosting a potluck lunch followed by a dessert auction to raise funds for NYC! Please bring a dish to share, and be ready to bid on some delicious desserts. Click HERE to bring a dessert for the auction!
March 9 | Following Service | Church Gym
Food on the Move
We are partnering with an STL Food Bank program, Food on the Move, which provides healthy food and resources to individuals with limited access. We host them in our parking lot the second Friday of every month. Contact Pastor Kaylha to learn how you can serve!
March 14 | 9:30am-11am | Church Parking Lot 
Second Blessing Trivia
Come out and test your trivia knowledge to support our Second Blessing ministry! Cost is $20 per person, or $160 for the whole table. All proceeds go towards helping people in our church and community that are in crisis. We are also in need of items for our silent auction. Please see Kristy Parson or Debbie Mikeska for more info. Click HERE to sign up!
March 21 | 6:30pm (doors open at 6pm) | Gym
Ladies Cards and Cookies
Ladies of all ages are invited to a fun night of crafting! Items for cards will be provided. Please bring some cookies to share. Click HERE to RSVP!
March 29 | 10:30am | Connect Cafe
Easter Egg Hunt
It's almost that time again for our annual Easter Egg Hunt! We are in need of candy donations and plenty of volunteers to make this event successful. Candy can be dropped off at the main entrance. Click HERE to volunteer!
 April 19 | 10:00am | Front Lawn
Men's Retreat
This year's theme is "Finishing Strong", brought by Dr. Mike Palmer. All events during the retreat will take place at Pinecrest Campgrounds in Fredericktown, Missouri. The registration deadline is April 2025. Click HERE to register!
April 25-26 | Pinecrest Campgrounds